The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

Xtracurriculars: M.E. Murphy

As a skateboarding teacher for young kids, M.E. Murphy is helping raise a new generation of open-minded skateboarders.

Welcome back to Xtracurriculars, a video series highlighting San Francisco State students and their unique hobbies, passion projects, and lives outside of campus.


This episode follows M.E. Murphy and the new generations of Bay Area skaters who are dismantling some of the unwritten macho rules about what skating historically must be and who was allowed to do it. As a skateboarding teacher for young kids, she teaches them that contrary to what you may have heard at skateparks 20 years ago, girls can indeed skate.  


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About the Contributor
Div Lukic
Div Lukic, Content Editor
Div Lukic is a fourth-year student at SF State who is growing increasingly wary about his future career in journalism the further into it he gets. He's interested in multimedia projects as well as written pieces and hopes to veer more towards visual and audio projects after graduation. When he's not frantically searching for story ideas, he likes to take naps in the sun and spend too much money at restaurants.

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