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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

Beyond the Story


Episode 6: Living Collectively

In a city where average rent is higher than any other in the United States, those who aren’t swimming in cash are struggling to find places to live. While techies cash out on multi-billion dollar initial public offerings, starving artists find themselves looking for more… creative housing solutions. In this episode of Beyond the Story, Amelia Williams tells us about whether or not the communal housing projects of the city might offer a solution, and whether the pros outweigh the cons.


Episode 5: Up in Flames

2018 saw California ablaze. As the destructiveness and frequency of wildfires in California have continued to increase year after year, more and more people in California’s rural areas have lost life and property. Boone Ashworth, whose family lost their house to the Carr fire in the Summer of 2018, appears on this episode of Beyond the Story to talk about the hardship that comes in the months and years after everything goes up in smoke.


Episode 4: Amelia Williams 

We all know what’s funny when we hear something funny, but defining what exactly makes something funny is a bit more difficult. Can humor be learned? Or is it just something your born with? Amelia Williams investigated this question in her a piece published for Xpress.

While some, like those in the San Francisco Comedy College think humor is learnable, others think it is an innate skill. In this episode of Beyond the Story, Amelia helps guide us through the question of whether or not we can lean to be funny.


Episode 3: Greg Ragaza 

The average college student has a lot to deal with. Learning how to balance classes, work and a social life all while learning how to properly take care of oneself is a daunting task. As we enter the middle of the semester and it seems like our professors are conspiring to break us down with assignments (why are all my biggest projects due on the same day??), you may feel that you need to take a second to reflect on how you and your fellow students are taking care of yourselves. Fortunately, Greg Ragaza is here on Beyond the Story to provide you with an enlightening conversation on self-care, and how men sometimes neglect their mental health.


Episode 2:  Megan Jimenez

If you’re a student at SFSU, you’ve probably noticed the lines of RV’s parked along Lake Merced Boulevard near the gym and freshman dorms. Maybe you’ve wondered about the people inside; are they students? Bohemian travelers? Are they homeless? Well, luckily for you, Megan Jimenez is here on Beyond the Story to answer those questions and more.


Episode 1: Jeremy Julian

For the first episode of Beyond the Story, Jeremy Julian and I discuss his Xpress Magazine article on esports: the competitive gaming format that has grown tremendously in the last few years. What differentiates esports from other sports, and how does that present it with unique challenges? Find out in this pilot episode!



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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University
Beyond the Story