Nestled between Haight Street and the Conservatory of Flowers lies the historic Hippie Hill. Surrounded by tall shady trees and refreshing green foliage, the hill overlooks Robin Williams Meadow and is...
Alrededor de 16,5 millones de Latinos están viviendo en los Estados Unidos desde el 2021, representando aproximadamente el 19% del país. Algunos han inmigrado a los Estados Unidos, otros han nacido de...
Enrollment is drastically decreasing across many California State Universities, including SF State. SF State has seen a reduction in enrollment over the past five years for full-time equivalents, a figure...
In June of 2023, the California Faculty Association union and the California State University system bargained for a new contract. The CFA has been advocating for staff and faculty labor rights for four...
Social change and activism thrive on many college campuses nationwide, challenging the status quo and igniting movements that extend far beyond campus borders. The past achievements of activism on college...
For over 55 years, SF State has been a hub of efforts to reform education, with students, faculty and the greater campus community actively participating in strikes and protests for decades.
In November...
At the beginning of every class, students are greeted with “Joy, students, joy!” in the booming New York accent of Carlo Corea. The use of phones, laptops and other devices is banned in his classes,...
Eager fans stand in Halloween costumes. Holding foam light sticks, they wait around the stage in Jack Adams Hall, located at the top of the Cesar Chavez Student Center. The Depot and SF State radio station...
After applying to SF State, Surat Ebata, from New Zealand, was in on vacation in Australia when he got an email from the university. It was an email saying he was accepted into SF State, and he had one...
A world where daughters of immigrants are forging paths into STEM despite cultural heritage and societal expectations is coming into reality. In a male-dominated and undiversified program such as STEM...