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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

Enrique García, Staff Reporter

Enrique García (he/him) is a fourth-year student pursuing a double major in Journalism and Humanities, at Carlos III University (Madrid), but now studying as an international student at SFSU for one year. At 21 years old, Enrique hails from Aranda de Duero (Burgos), Spain. His lifelong ambition has been to become a stylist specializing in fashion and beauty communication, a goal he has pursued with unwavering dedication. Despite being in Spain, Enrique has always dreamt of experiencing California and embracing what’s known as the “American dream.” This year holds the promise of exciting new opportunities, profound experiences, and a significant life change.

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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University
Enrique García