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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University

Xpress Magazine

Apple Watch models revealed

Apple Announces New Goodies

Reuben Deveras
March 9, 2015
Apple unleashed a whole slew of new toys today.

You’ll be fit, just watch

Hillary Smith
October 24, 2014

Apple’s watch is coming, and soon we will all be fit. Of course, that is exaggerating. Not everyone will buy the new watch and magically be more fit. But people are interested in this...

Photo taken by Daniel Porter

Still Sort of Gr8 – iOS8 Impressions

Michael Leri
September 17, 2014

Disclaimer: This was tested using a 64 gigabyte iPhone 5. iOS7 was a drastic step up from iOS6. Apple finally hit their stride by streamlining what they had, borrowing from Android, and making it look...

Cap Haitian Apple Toddy

Season of Cheers

December 9, 2013

Written by Danielle Hutton Photos by Gavin McIntyre Mornings are chilly, and the fog bank has slowly reclaimed its hold on the city.Mother Nature dropped record low tempertures on San Francisco this...

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The student-run magazine of San Francisco State University